In 2017 I met two people who would become my tantra teachers. My journey began by attending two workshops in Chorlton ran by the Pathways teachers, one was on boundaries and consent (which I discuss in details in another post) and another was a cuddle workshop. I was at a time in my life where I fet isolated and lacking human connection. I was single and my friendships and career were unfulfilling. I was also having personal counselling in which I was exploring my conditioning and ways of relating.
My intuition led me to these teachers and despite having many periods of doubt along the way about where it was all leading, I had found a path that gave me something I couldn't yet put my finger on, but something within me kept showing up. I feel immsense gratitude for these teachers and I continue to learn from them to the present day.
How Tantra Supports our Personal Growth
Tantra is all about cultivating intimacy, first with ourselves through self awareness, then in communion with others. The more present we can be with ourselves the more present we can be with others.
Over the years I have learnt what it means to feel safe in my body, and to notice when my nervous system is regulated or disregulated. This is a continual practice but by learning the basics in a safe space, I am more able to notice changes to my state of being when in connection with others, at work, when I am driving and otherwise moving around in the world. Before practicing tantra I was numb, I had been conditioned to tolerate more than I could handle, and my nervous system was operating on high alert almost constantly.
As I followed this path I learned what it felt like to be relaxed.
I now notice if I am tolerating discomfort and can make a conscious choice about whether this is something I want to do or whether an adjustment is needed.
I notice a lot more than I did before.
We all have patterns of behaviour that are formed from limiting beliefs that affect how we live our lives on many levels. I have patterns of anxiety, perfectionism, avoidance as well as a need to control. These were barriers that prevented me from being able to sustain loving relationships, as I often pushed people away or found myself in unhealthy dynamics. I felt unseen and unable to express who I truly was with the people around me.
Tantra holds a mirror up to help you to see yourself and your patterns more clearly.
It is by following the path of tantra and learning through experiences that I have come to accept myself exactly as I am, mind, body and soul.
I now know my worth and am discerning about who I share my time with.
I feel less obligation to do things that are expected due to societal rules around family or friendship and I practice relating with people with conscious awareness of my conditioned responses, which allows me to reflect and make different choices when appropriate.
What changed for me along the way?
The more I opened myself to tantric energy, by which I mean spending time in tantra workshops and with like minded people, the more freedom I felt.
I began to see that I had a choice,
I began to connect with my unique self.
I connected with my inner child, my joy, my real emotions and my shadow.
I wasn't hiding anymore.
I stepped into the vortex . . . Â And the upwards spiral began.
I began making choices that were more aligned with my true self,Â
I started to express myself authentically.
My life became more and more aligned with my values.
I felt connected with life force energy.
My ability to manifest my reality was super-charged.
Freedom + Choice + Individualisation = Actualisation
Some of the Changes I have noticed:
Since embracing tantra as a path of healing and self development,
I feel more alive.
I recognise my own autonomy and practice freedom of choice in all that I do, from my choices of food, romantic partners, clothing and how I spend my time. Â
I notice, I feel, I connect with energy.
I am in flow (more than before!)
I feel greater fluidity in my body; I am dissolving the rigid armouring bit by bit creating a sense of spaciousness, ease and relaxation.
I feel flexibility in my mind; I am able to take a step back and be a witness;
I pause and recognise the choices available to me and recognise that
I have the power to co-create my experiences.Â
I feel more openness in my Heart; recognising that I can consciously open myself to receive love in any moment and that I can open to receiving even at times when i feel I have nothing to give.
I feel more pleasure in my body and sex;
I know that there is a better future that is meant for me, one in which I prioritise myself and I am fulfilled without compromising my truth.
I feel kindred spirits around me from angels to ancestors,
supporting me and guiding me on my way;
 I ebb and flow with the astrological movements and the moons cycles.Â
I found a place where I belonged, with like-minded people who now fill my social circle.
I am empowered by choice, open to experiences and I believe that anything is possible in the future.
In practice;
I became a tantra practitioner as a way of committing to the path, much like Reiki Masters do. I wanted to give and receive tantric energy and make this part of my every day life and not just something I did the occasional weekend.
Practicing professionally brings its challenges, but also continued opportunities for personal learning and growth. My offerings and way of working is continually evolving as I continue on my path to integrating my inner masculine and feminine, healing the wounds of my past and embracing and opening to deeper spiritual connection.
I seek to give my clients an opportunity to explore all aspects of tantra, from massage and bodywork to the relational aspects all the while building resilience and self-awareness.
For me the changes have rippled out experientially and my life has changed beyond all recognition from those first workshops in 2017.
I would love to be the catalyst that helps you find yourself, through the magic of tantra.